Thursday, November 8, 2018

Nov 8 2018

I appreciate it so much when I'm caught in the middle of a busy hiway , and a vehicle will stop allowing me to cross first... I can say he/she (the driver) is a good person, someone did a while ago.

Just congratulated an old friend who got tied a knot recently. Our last conversation was in 2011.. she was a bit mad at me then because I was not able to reply to her messages...(maybe I was busy) I apologized but I never thought she would take it too seriously.. I found it childish but overwhelming too, (someone's at least affected for I unintentionally ignored them which mean I'm a bit important..).. But it made me feel bad too coz I Iost a friend just like that.. then I let it pass up to this year.. I saw her wedding pictures, happy for her... So I message her, and I got a plain "thank u" reply.. I just hope I am truly forgiven.

Its late. Thats my day. Good night!