Thursday, October 15, 2009

the old man i saw in the pharmacy


Yesterday, as I was buying the medicine my brother needed, I saw this old man asking for the price of Optein, it’s a sort of supplementary medicine for eyes. I saw the frustration in his face when he heard the price, around thirty pesos I guess, and with that amount, he was already dismayed. With his expression, I saw poverty, that it would be hard for him to afford it. Then he left the pharmacy. I pity him and realized that I should be thankful with my status of life. I suddenly felt angst to this men whose wasting a lot of money for no cause especially those corrupt people. I wonder why these other people still unsatisfied with their richness and wealth when scarcity is on the other side of the world,there are poor men living in a slum, also those unfortunate beings who would just wait for their sick loved ones pass away, these beggars and paupers sleeping in the streets and other form of scarcity. To those who have ability to help, do something.


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