Thursday, January 14, 2010


I have the greatest father in the world, I don’t know but behind his kind of attitude and accomplishments none of my brothers had leveled him.  His parents owned hectares of land but not really into education, but this did not stop him to pursue his education and achieved doctoral degree. Currently, aside from his good position in one of the Universities here in Mindanao, he’s been so active in Non Government Organizations. He’s really a busy person, so workaholic. He’s out of the house everyday and see him only in the evening. And if you think he’s spending his free time resting, you’re wrong… Everyday before and after going to office, he checks on his shop, yes, he owns a steel works shop, he doesn’t just manage, he’s also doing the work itself, cutting, fabricating, installing, framing, he doesn’t only rely on his labors. He’s also doing some carpentry works and electrical works at home, he have so much of skill. He even washes dishes sometimes.. and he was once my tutor too…I don’t know,  he might get tired if he rests…. So sad to know that none of his skills were inherited by my brothers….. I’m even guilty that I can’t also be the best daughter in the world and I don’t think he deserves it… But swear, he’ll gonna be proud of me someday and I’ll be able to repay him back although he doesn’t ask for it…


 Well, don’t get me wrong my midwife mom is also the best mom in the whole wide world….

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