Sunday, July 10, 2011


This can’t be! I’m losing weight again, from my ever biggest weight 122 lbs (which I’m very much contented wouldn’t ask for more) down to 115 lbs… whatta! God knows how I’d dream of escaping from being so skinny ever since I was born.  

I decided to take my weight because I’ve noticed that my tummy is getting flatter again, though that was fine of course but that also means that I’m losing weight as well.

What’s going on? This is alarming, the Holy Month of Ramadhan is approaching, so what do you expect me to be?.. oh no, I was excited to let my family see me no longer thin when I get home by the end of August Insha’Allah.

I can’t tolerate this.. I need to eat a lot. Maybe I was  bit anxious then that I might go beyond the limit because my excess fats are revealing that sooner or later I would look like majinboo of Dragon ball z, so I refrained.

Actually, did I really refrain from eating a lot? I don’t think so. Am I stressed? Whatever, the bottom line is what matters most is that we are healthy, and I know I’m not. I infrequently eat nutritious foods, I don’t exercise, I lack sleep, I think a lot, or should I say I’m a worrier!

Oh my! I need to help my self..

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