Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I feel troubled, annoyed, irritated, disturbed, puzzled and crazy! I don’t know, I just hate this feeling…

I hate people who’s being insensitive, who criticize you and pull you down, who are supposed to be helping you because you work in one team but they’re not instead.

I hate people who never admit their mistakes that as if they are always right.

I hate me learning how to curse in the wind, though not heard by anyone, I know it wasn’t right, I’m not that kind, I’m starting to believe that bad habit is contagious, and I must strengthen my sense of resistance.

I think I’m sick but I don’t want to go to a doctor, I’m afraid they’ll tell me that I’m dying so soon. And I hate that I’m afraid, coz it wouldn’t make any difference whether I knew or not.

I’m not someone who is excellent in leading a team, I’m no good of so many things, I maybe inexistent to some, I may be stupid, I maybe someone who would not wanted by anyone… but I am someone who will never brag for something I must not blow my horn of, I will admit my mistake, I will do what I can do for the betterment of something, I’ll try to be good and do the right thing if I can’t make the smart one.

And I am confusing you now, I am either.

I feel bad really right now.

It seems that there’s no way to release myself from this anxiety, if only I could run away, disappear, just be gone for a while, then I will.

Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Sleep might be the only resort.


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