Sunday, June 10, 2012


So what’s for today?? Aside from Pacquiao losing it, no comment to that, I’m glad that I’ve accomplished my checklist for today.

And I’ve eaten so much food too, I cooked for breakfast, chicken liver, and I made spaghetti too…

Part of my checklist is to visit ate Vicky at Manila Doctors Hospital, before heading there, I dropped by at Robinson Mall to buy her Egg Pie at Goldilocks, I craved for a Frappucino too, so I got Starbuck’s Choco Chip Frap, then I took out One piece chicken at Bon Chon so I could have something to eat at Ate Vickie’s room. She offered me Picnik and grapes too… I told you, I have been food tripping today… and I feel great about that, I’m having a good appetite!

This is how looked like this morning before doing anything.

And myself just I arrived home… don’t mind my pimples and my oily face. hehe

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