Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday's Just Nothing

When was the last time I did this? Me, recording my Sunday’s whereabouts, as if my Sunday’s are extraordinary---- when the truth is, its dull and boring, but I’m not sad about that! Haha… 
So what did I do today?
Woke up late as always! Don’t give me that look coz I just need need a break… hehe
Watched Serendipity! I’ve heard so much of that movie but I just watched it this morning, loser huh?!... hehe… and it was a nice one as everybody did say.  Well, is there really such this as that? Maybe, I’m a fool too, I once believed that soulmates are real, maybe really not, I just want to believe they do exist, loser again?! Haha..  What can I do, I’m a hopeless romantic, nyahaha.. (ew that, I don’t care! Hehe)… and, maybe soulmates  do exist, but it doesn’t mean that you are meant to be together…  so there I go again with my sentiments, cut it Ash! Hehe
So, after watching that, I decided to do something with sense, washed my uniform and brought my other dirty clothes to the nearby laundry shop. Then went straight to Robinson , (I broke my fast for a girl thing reason, yes I have my period!) , then I tried window shopping, but its not really my type, I rather go home, I got bored roaming around, so I went to the grocery to buy some stuffs  and something to cook for dinner (para maiba naman!) hehe…  Buttered shrimp (nanaman!) hehe, just one of the few dishes I knew how to cook almost perfectly.. (Something to be proud of !)
Then had a quick chat over the phone with my mom and my sister.
What else?, this is what I am doing now… watched the series “Once Upon a time”, Facebooking and obviously Blogging!

I miss posting  pictures!.. when I imported my blog entries from multiply to Blogger, I lost the pictures! Out of more that  500 entries, more than half of it  are with pictures and they are all gone, I might  upload them back again.
That’s all for today!

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