Sunday, November 17, 2013

random thoughts on a sunday morning

Good morning Sunday!

I was typing this when a call from a friend interrupted me... at least i had a good laugh  talking to him.

He also asked me what are my plans today.. and thats what i'm about to write.

Im still on my bed, thinking what can I have for breakfast. I'm hungry already but im still sleepy. I slept late last night trying to wait for someone who doesn't care for me anymore... haha... and as expected, he didnt really care at all.. haha..

Door knocks woke me up this morning about past 7, thats my brother.. blame him for that early wake up call.

I should do some house cleaning today.. wash my uniform, send my other dirty clothes to the laundry shop, pick up the bunch i left there last week -- the attendant at that shop is being nice to me, its been more than a year but i still dont know his name.. haha.. feeling close pa naman sya saken.. hehe..

then have some groceries too.. then movies... then? What else... i know my routine is such a dull one... hehehe... i dont care for now...

i'm a bit unwell too... i have colds, i hope it wouldn't get worse.

so good morning sunday! Need to get up now...

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