Sunday, February 23, 2014

One Sunday Morning Of February

I thought i have work today because I woke up early and its not usual to me especially its Sunday and I slept late last night... my Monday morning sickness ofcourse attacks me on Monday! Hehe

Its 7 am but I'm suppose to be dreaming still. Then I missed writing my thoughts...  i missed blogging... i have actually came up with a roll of topics that I'm planning to write about..

Like a recap of the few places i've been to, it breaks my heart still to know that I lost my multiply,  my blogs since 2008 or 2009?? though i 've backed up them here in blogger but the pictures were gone.

I was also thinking of writing my trips plan but i havent planned anything.. hahaha... im just thinking about it.

I would love to remember my friends too... those very few people who had been part of my dull life already.. hehe.. i may not really say it, but i'm such a good friend keeper, they might not know it but Im thankful i've met them.

My everyday whereabouts... i missed recording them... from the most lame to the extra super most lame.. hahaha...  you know  i'm boring! Haha

like this cat I saw again yesterday at Manila Peninsula, its just a few meters away from my workplace.. i had a post about this cat almost 4 years ago.. i'm just amused i get to see it everyday as if he/she is waiting for me  there.. pero bigla na lang syang nawala! But yesterday here it is.. hehe

and i would love to tell you about my instagram posts... how crazy i am about my selfies.. haha.. some i post over at facebook (glad, i customized my account, not everyone could see it, especially those people at my office, i couldnt take them teasing me haha), some posts remained at instagram, like this:

Glad i have limited followers there... so only few could get irritated.. hahaha... i dont actually think my posts look nice.. but i just want to post them.. this is a free country right!

I'm still thinking of a caption for my blogger... i got tired of what i had before, at my multiply I had "AAA OPEN DIARY" then changed it into "AAA WORDS LEFT UNSPOKEN" , during that time my unused blogger named "LETTERS TO SOULMATE" i had it sometime 2011 but i wasnt active i dont really care if its "baduy", thats how fool i was to believe that soulmates are real and they are just somehere out there.. im stupid! Haha.. then I shifted to "LETTERS AND WORDS LEFT UNSPOKEN" I was so discreet about my feelings.. hehehe.. Then now its "THE NOBODY'S GIRL DIARIES" just like Remi! Hehe... but I"m not an orphan here, thank God I'm not.

And maybe a post on how I see life, why its complicated to me and maybe to answer also this people's irritating question that drives me to a midlife crisis! Hahaha... damn! "Why are you still single?" , in my case, that's the most annoying question in the whole wide world.... watch out for my answer...(for those interested)  hahahaha...

anyway, my life is not really complicated, my problems arent as wide as the ocean, im not miserable as well, im not unfortunate too, there are people who are actually suffering from real life tragedies.. and im no compare to them, i am free and i have choices, so many choices i end up indecisive... and im still grateful, but because life is not perfect, and im not a happy easy going person, i maybe have everything i need but not everything i want, not everything i love, but I am living... just like how everybody face their lives, yes, for those who think life is unfair, maybe it is, but not everyone you thought surrounded with what life could offer is happy, we dont know what they are going through... you dont know what i am going through... hehe.. ang drama ko naman, parang diko naintindihan yung point ko, naintidihan mo ba?? Hehe

thats it... now its 7:46am... so here's Yours Truly

I warned you about my selfies.. haha.. wagas e, ni hindi man lang nakuhang maghilamos! Haha.. now, can i go back to sleep? Or maybe do my typical chores!

Good morning!!!!

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