Sunday, July 27, 2014

Bound Home


 Here at NAIA Terminal 3  waiting for our boarding time, we're on our way home... I hope there will be not much of turbulence, I hope that the sky would be     clear so it wouldn't get too bumpy up there... Its my nth time of riding a plane, but it always makes me paranoid that something would happen.. especially now, you can't blame me, just last March a Malaysian plane went gone and was not seen until now, then just this month another Malaysian plane was shot down!! , an Algerian and Taiwan's plane had crashed..... that's terrifying I know..  but it wont stop me from traveling, what will happen will happen, wherever you are, whatever kind of transportation you're on, when your time is up, then it's up! See you home Inshaallah!


 Had a hard time landing but glad we made it.. Alhamdullillah

A photo earlier... glad to hear from cebu pacific that we need not to turn off our phone through out the flight... just silent mode.
The sky was just fine at Manila but as we approached our destination, the clouds were thicker and darker.. so there goes the turbulence.. errr...


Just now.


Because I missed our messy room.. Forgive my funny faces. Haha


Done watching this.. "A Love"..

Eid Mubarak!
Good night..

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