Monday, September 15, 2014


Just had a rainy morning so I took the cab... worked on my cost report. Started watching "How to train your dragon2" on my lunch break. Dinner with lee and margaux. Now there's a lizard across our door.. I tried to.scare it away but its not even reacting..

Chicken Soup
Story 8: Treasure your friends.. Do not forget them.
Story 9: Not because you had a tragic past, it will recur all over again, some things change..
Story 10: Patience is still a virtue!
Story 11: Happiness is also.found in simple blessings.

WHAT MADE YOU HAPPIEST TODAY:  I don't know, still.confuse between these things--getting my report done or overcoming the teasing of my officemates because I got my hair a rebond treatment or the loud laugh I had with jay r, lee and margaux.. just that.

WORDS LEFT UNSAID TO ANYONE: I hope you don't hate me that much.

LETTER TO SOULMATE: Hey, I think I'll start writing letters to you again. I don't know where you are now or maybe you dont really exist.... I just want to believe you do exist and I'll be seeing you somehow....then you can read my letters and you'll know I've been thinking of you even before you came... but for now here's my good night!

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