Tuesday, October 7, 2014



Traffic jam was really bad! Maybe i was on the road for about 3 hours I guess..... when I reached home- that's the happiest thing happened today...

To take the stress away, I needed these: coke, music and this book.... and the selfie too! Haha.. sorry if I have to do this... and its the season of pimples again for me.. but miraculously, I don't feel ugly. Haha

Chicken soup story 28 and 30: it's all about the power of writing... whether you're theme is rebellious , your rage or anything goes... its totally okay...its a great escape..so, i wont stop...even I'm the only one enjoying it.. haha

 I wish you looked like.him... hahaha... but if you're not.. it's okay.. you're faceless for now.. let me look at his face for the mean time...  i want to write more but I'm sleepy now.. its late. GOOD NIGHT!

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