Tuesday, July 21, 2015

21st of July

I was like rolling at my bed since an hour ago,  I couldn't sleep back. I bet you knew, I'm going back to Manila! That always breaks my heart.

Preparing myself, packing my things for our 12:50pm flight back to Manila.. just wondering, is this terrible feeling I'm having is really worth it? I must stop thinking that way, I'll be fine.. when I get back to Manila, I'll forget about this odd feeling.. I'll be okay..

You know what's one of my happiest moment in life?? That moment an airplane I'm on board will safely arrive here at Awang Airport.. and the worst is --- this moment, waiting here at the boarding area for departure...

May God bless our trip and have a safe flight.

Not much to say but Thank God for the sage flight and Good night!

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