Thursday, October 15, 2015

Wearing an old worn out shoes.....

Eating pancit canton for breakfast... a note on my table.. a selfie (i think im getting thin again, nasstressed kase ako!)... and I'm wearing my worn out chucks (hi-cut converse)!... this is my oldest pair that's still on my shoe rack, I should have given up on this long time ago... but I'm still keeping it.. see? I'm still wearing it...

Oh! I just woke up.. my first time to over slept during lunch break. I must be tired.. really.

I'm home.. with an annoying selfie from yours truly! Haha.. sorry naman.

To give justice on the title of this blog.... say hi to my old shoes! I'm such a keeper you know...  hehe
Got so much to say but i'm too sleepy as well.

Good night. Sleep.well...

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