Tuesday, November 10, 2015

di ko alam anong date ngayon

This wont take long...

At some point of our lives, we are being bombarded with random thoughts that brought us to anxiety... We look back on things that should have eradicated long time ago.. regrets could almost drove us to the brink of our wits... We wish that we could take back the words we've said, the actions we've made, the  choices we took and even the people we've met.. but don't you think you could be the person you are now if you haven't tested by this life's bittersweets? I don't know either, sometimes I'm just feeling down... and I could be happy too by some small stuff... I could be bitter by not having the thing I wish I had... There are things that I don't really understand... sometimes I'm just being pointless,  maybe right I'm not making any sense... i don't even know my point.. don't you? Sorry for wasting our time here...


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