Saturday, December 26, 2015

26th of December 2015

Sitting on my bed right now thinking what if I'm on an overseas travel right now.. Thailand? Hongkong? Macau? Korea? Japan? Or Indonesia?? it could have been sweeter.. I felt like I wasted the holidays.. it could have been a great time to escape on the real world for a while, I must be strolling around somewhere, eating new foods, seeing new places, meeting different races..... now I'm imagining things.. somebody slap my face.. haha! My fault, I should have stole some of my hectic schedules to book and plan a trip somewhere.. 

On the good side of it.. yes, I had learned to look at the good side of every situation I am encountering.. maybe my holidays weren't wasted at all.. last Thursday, though I spent my time sleeping and watched movies all day, I can say I needed that.. Yesterday, I got myself exhausted by shopping.. literally! I went there and there.. bought something for myself and for my family (would serve as my pasalubong in participation of my brother), since I will be going home this coming week.

Today.. Later, will be Mac's wedding day.. I'm kinda hesitant to attend because Marj and Margaux have their other appointments, Mela is uncertain because she's a bit unwell and me? I have no reason not to go... I filed a leave today with a reason that I will be attending a wedding... And long time ago, Mac told me to save a Leave for his wedding so I can go, and I said yes.. And I should keep that... isn't this was one of my consideration too why I wasn't able to book a flight somewhere??  so now, I must go there... Not because my  close friends cant come, not because I'm an introvert (lol)... then I would break what I have said too.. lousy excuses! I must go.  :)

I feel tired but I must finish this blog.. I didn't know what to wear.. so I had this.. don't mind the mirror selfie..haha

We arrived at hotel at past 3pm

The couple

I didn't regret that I attended Mac's wedding, when he smiled seeing  us around is more than enough to conclude that our presence matters to him.. I feel so happy for him... May their love to each other lasts forever.. because they both deserve it.

We left the at the reception almost 7pm.. We headed to a bakery recommended by someone.. and while waiting for our orders, we had a quick stroll at this part of Angeles, Pampanga.
1:03am (27 na!)
I may not know when "someday" is or how late that day is... but  I still wish "someday" before I'll perish, I'll be able to do the things I'd love to do, go to the places I always dream of... and be with the people I wish I could be with.. Good night!

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