Monday, January 4, 2016

First Monday Morning Sickness for 2016!!

Feeling worst is something I'm not tolerating... It may not be obvious that I'm not tolerating it because you'll see the necessity of me writing it down... well, doing it lessens the burden I am feeling.... and whether I'll write or not, I would still feel it.... I'm just completely being honest with myself... so just let me pour it here.

So, although I'm still home, my Monday morning sickness didn't spare me... I woke up early this morning feeling terrible... I'm missing home already.. tomorrow is my flight back to Manila... and it's probably not new to you that I hate being there anymore...or I'm just exaggerating... maybe I'm just being tired of being there... or that moment I am leaving home is the worst of all... The only good reason I can think of why I'm still staying is my easy access to my travels...

So what did I do today?? Just had a bonding moment with my mom then later this afternoon, I met my friends Jegs and bestfriend Jun...

Then took a selfie.. lol!

And despite this funny face of mine.. I'm still the saddest... I hope tonight would be a long night..


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