Monday, June 6, 2016

The Worst Interview

I think I had my worst interview today...  I was processing my clearance and one of the executives will sign on it, but I was expecting that maybe the secretary will do the signing... but I was wrong... it's our President... wahhhhhh!!! I wasn't prepared,  no one told me about this...

Why are you resigning? - he asked me.. I answered him with this and that... but he wanted more answer.... and I ended up saying, "I'm not happy anymore"... then he laughed...  damaged has been done, I felt that I shouldn't have said it.. he was the President!! How could I told him that?... am I being unprofessional?? .. I just hope he'll forget about that... he'll forget about that girl tactlessly told him that she wasn't happy at his company.. I hope he won't mention that to our Area Manager....

but.. though I'm quiet regretful for saying those things, there's some part of me comforting me saying that it was okay... I've said it and it's done, I was just being straightforward.. there's nothing wrong in saying I'm unhappy... most employees leave their job because they are not fulfilled and happy... and I've said it without flowery words...

I'm okay.

Mr. President, yes, I'm not happy anymore I have to go... I'm sorry.

Good night!

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