Monday, January 2, 2017

My First Blog for 2017

I didn't intend to  write my first 2017 blog to be like this, I mean feeling sad, because I might feel sad for the entire year...  But what can I do when my writing skills (if this is a skill :)) comes out when I'm feeling down? haha

It's been a long time since I haven't felt that Monday Morning Sickness but it hits me again just now... I have to leave home again, not for Manila but to Davao City this time... It wasn't that far anymore
... I mean that 4 to 5 hours drive from home to DC is a way much comfortable from that plane ride that made me feel edgy everytime I fly back to Manila...

But still... I'm gonna miss these:

But I have to work.. Yeah, I am thankful that I have a job.. so this is it. No goodbyes! (Lapit lang ng Davao, wag maarte).

SO HELP ME GOD.. Keep us away from accidents.

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