Monday, April 3, 2017

3 April 17


Have you ever felt that certain point in your life where you just feel down without knowing what is it that bothers you?.. coz, I do.. right now.

April, I'm supposed to be having a happy foolish April.. Because, I'll get to see my niece and my nephew again next week due to the holidays...

And I'll have an expected travel on the last week of this month.. I'm supposed to be excited but the thought of the airplane ride is ruining the excitement.. haha! count that as one of my biggest fear... I'd love to travel a lot but I fear being up there in the sky, when it gets bumpy, I feel like I'm gonna die... I'm not afraid of getting lost somewhere...but the means of transportation (the plane) is terrifying me.. I just really feel edgy on a plane.. (but I wish I could try sky diving! haha.. maybe it could make me brave!.)

Anyway, what's making me upset? Maybe those photos on the Internet about the children suffering from the war in Syria, those scenarios really break my heart.. All I can do is pray for them.

What else? uhmm.. I also feel that someone's being rude today.. errr.. it's some form of a joke, but I don't find it funny, its disgusting! I hope they'll stop kidding around, coz I couldn't handle that kind of "sense of humor"...

What else? oh! And because, I searched for Kwak Dong Yeon... and I got his IG account, I sent him a direct message! wahhhhh!! o yeah, laugh! haha.. it was my first time to message a celebrity.. of course I don't do that but I can't help it... ahaha.. So out of his hundred followers, do I think, he'll get to notice my pathetic message? haha! SLAP ME!!  haha

And I'm missing someone. :), why smile?? it should be this :(

hah!! enough! I'm dramatic again... this must be some sign of aging.. and it's the foolish Month.. so I'm in!

Good night!