Sunday, April 2, 2017

Kwak Dong Yeon!!!

How was your day? Mine? it started by crying over that Korean TV Series I am watching..- Love In The Moonlight..Lol!, I wasn't sure it's something that's truly tear jerking or I'm just being emotional... dramatic, overacting.... stuff like that. 

Meet him.. My new found crush.. !!!

But he's much much younger than me but let's  pretend, age doesn't matter.. haha (as if we're ever gonna see each other??!!)

So this scene.. it broke my heart.

When his tears  fell, mine did too.. (haha!, I'm getting corny, I was born to) But how could I not? He's brave, good at fighting, he seems like emotionless and yet he cried!!.. Just watch it why.

Then he died!..


Then later, he did survive. :)

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