Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mean People!

People are mean! Yes they are, and I’m not labeling myself as an exception, maybe that’s part of being rational..

Anyway never expect that everyone would go according to your standards, to your will, to how you want them to react. Some of them wouldn’t cease on pestering your mood, some would rather die in seeing you happy. Even if you are the most kind person in the world, there will always be someone who would put you down.

There are people who would never appreciate your ways, no matter how hard you’ll work, still they wouldn’t be contented of your performance, they wouldn’t see what you are going through, they’ll never care about you, they will only consider themselves.

 What happen to the world, don't they remember the golden rule? Did they forget how to be considerate? Would it be so hard to pause for a while and think if you’ll hurt someone’s feeling before making a move?

The only way we could survive from their browbeating presence is to stop thinking about them, not to worry about the sarcastic words they’ll throw you, by just laughing your heart out instead of frowning because they’ve insulted you. Answer them back if you want, and if you can’t because you are too kind to fight back, then forget about it! Don’t let them make you feel outsmarted.. Running away from them isn't a solution coz they are everywhere, you'll always end up meeting people with this behavior. Remember they’ll only win over you if you permit them. Just put it this way, these kind of people will help you become a stronger person. Life is too short to let them make you feel inferior.

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