Sunday, June 2, 2013

Gloomy Sunday

Yes, its gloomy Sunday and so do I.. hehe…

Its been ages since the last time I did this.. Writing my Sunday’s whereabouts, my day off! Hehe.. yes, as if today was an extraordinary day, well its not..
As I’ve said, today is something just like the usual, woke up almost 10am, washed my uniform, wrote a letter to someone (not done yet), brought my other dirty clothes to the laundry shop and claimed what I have left there a week ago, tried to cook something but I did not—(well, at least I’ve tried), watched the rain drops, when it stopped I shopped a little, paid my credit card, met my father at SM Makati who just got here this afternoon , (he had a delayed flight, maybe because of the weather) they’re going to Indonesia for a meeting (I wish I could go too, hehe), and now I am writing this!
That’s all folks!

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