Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last day of 2013

Last day of 2013, is also my last night here at home for my vacation leave.. Tomorrow will be my flight back to Manila.. that means, for 4 consecutive years, I've been spending the new year half at home and the other half at Manila. That would also means that I've been breaking my heart on every first day of the year..

Anyway, how was my 2013??? It was a year where I got stressed, I went workaholic,  I fell inlove and I broke my heart too (haha), i got confused, i was fine, i was happy and I was sad, I was indecisive, I was left behind, i have learned, i became stronger, i had smiles and i had my river of tears...... to sum it all, i was alright! I can still smile right now..

What i am hoping for 2014?? I dont know! Haha... no more new years resolution.. but I wish, it would going to be a great year for me, i hope i could transform my self into a better and righteous person, i wish i could move on and let go of what should i let go, i wish i could be braver and face my fears, i am free and I wish i could make use of it... I wish I could realize and do what i really wanna do, i wish i would stop wasting my time and make a decision, i wish to be happy!

I know wishes are just wishes-- i need to do something.

I pray for my family's safety and good health too... and i pray for ________. :)

12mn is about to come.. and im on my bed already.. our father didn't tolerate us to celebrate the new year because we are not  suppose to... that's why i just have to sleep now and listen to the sound of 2013's farewell.

Good night and happy 2014 though! ;)

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