Wednesday, October 11, 2017

11 Oct 17


"So there you go again in my sleep, but this time not as Freddy Krueger, not even Casper.... You called me that name you used to call me and you smiled at me.... But I don't know, if you'll do it if I didn't push myself to do it first."

Rise and shine! and do not hold on to that dream...

I'm in that state of confusement, whether to do the right thing or to do what's gonna lighten up my heart... chos! Anyway, I had a take home work, the meeting minutes last week... Coz I couldn't work it out at office, daming storbo..


My pabebe annoying look and my terrible hand writing...haha
Not done yet with the minutes,  I'm watching tv simultaneously kase... haha.. but I think I need to sleep now... I need a rest at sana nga I can sleep well , I have sore throat! so discomforting..

Good night!

hayst.. good night nga diba???? paano ako matutulog naiinis ako??? haha... arte... basta... Im doing the right thing, kahit hindi yun ang gusto ko.... pero yun ang dapat... itulog ko na lang to at palipasin na ang araw..

Good night ulit. sana bukas wala na akong sore throat

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