Tuesday, July 3, 2018



Maybe I have  to start this blog by just saying.. I want to write, I want to travel, I'm so envious of my friend I want to go Europe, in Rome, France, Spain, Ireland there and there, will I ever get there? O well, because I'm jealous of those who went there, I'm skipping my target to visit South Korea and Japan, next year? later this year? (inshaAllah).. but I'm getting there.. Help me! lol

I sounded desperate here, I was trying to force myself write an article since last weekend because I don't wanna lose my writing passion, (which I'm becoming so lame, recently...), I'm not good at it but I just love doing it.

I wanna go home too and see my nieces and nephew...

Anyway, I'll try tracking back things and write more on the the next days... it's 12.44pm, just having lunch break here.


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