Friday, August 10, 2018

Remember me Every 9th of August

Remember me Every 9th Of August

I guess you're not learning
It's already 10th of August now
Haven't heard anything from you yesterday
I stayed almost midnight before 9th ends
I waited for you, And yet you didn't show up
It's 10th of August now, still no sign of you
How many times should you break my heart?
I wasn't asking for forever, only fools believe in that
But I'm asking you to meet me every 9th of August
But where were you? Did I cause you so much heartaches too not to see me on the 9th of August?
I'm asking for just one out of the three hundred sixty five days
Aren't you too selfish?
I think I'm not asking for too much...
Maybe you we're asking for more than I can give
That's why you might hate me so much, aren't you?
Or am I stealing one minute of your life because I'm asking you to call me on the 9th of August?
If only I could cast a spell that would make you feel how  sad it can be to forget me on the 9th of August
But I won't, you must be happy.

 --to be continued

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