Monday, October 8, 2018

Oct 8, 2018

Monday morning sickness hits me again.

I rarely write nowadays, have not much time for it.(and so uninspired too, and maybe not too lonely as well).

I had this dream, it seems so true... well, maybe too good to be true. I was with someone I can't even remember the face, on a comfortable bus ride overlooking the stars. Who could that be? Indeed I am dreaming. haha

So I woke up, feeling sad.. haha

Then scanning my FB page, a bad news saddened me, a death of someone I haven't met personally. He's one of my FaceBook friends, I don't even remember how.  Maybe those were the old days just adding/accepting people's friend request , but we have common friends and we lived on the same town. He used to flood my wall with his post/whereabouts/ words of wisdom... (that sometimes hit me) , that he is sick again -- he admits life is short but he wanted to live longer... Now he's gone. :( Life is unpredictable indeed. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un "We belong to God and to Him we shall return".

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