Wednesday, January 13, 2021

13th of January 2021

 "Good morning my beautiful nightmare
I guess,  I found our rendezvous, in my slumber
Do I have to write everytime you appear in my dream? 
It's the only world I can feel you
I wonder how are you,  do you meet me in your dreams somehow? 
Or would you even want to see me?
You're my painful  sweetest thing
Maybe i've loved you for so long I wanted to hate you
Or maybe I hate you coz I can't hate you
Believing I'll forget you if I'll hate you
Maybe i'm saying so much things that isn't right
You won't know anyway,  would you? 
One of the dumbest thing is to wait for something deep inside you,  you know wont be coming
I even waited for you to say goodbye, and you didn't,  so how could I still be waiting? 
Or maybe there's no really goodbyes for us
Coz we never really had something to end
Or some things just don't have ending, just like that." 

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