Monday, August 30, 2021


 Someday,  I won't wait for the weekends to arrive just to feel okay

Someday,  everyday is a wonderful day,  I wont even hate Mondays

Someday,  I can do something new,  not being occupied with my job alone

Someday,  my job won't be a problem,  it might still be challenging,  but that day I know better what to do

Someday, my family would be proud of me as much as I'm proud of myself

Someday,  I'll be driving on a road trip feeling that beautiful moment alone..  Not disturbed with a job I'm so unsure of

Someday,  I'll realized why I had to be on these shoes,  that I'm perfectly deserving of this position

Someday, I wont fear the unknown. I'll grow,  productive,  contented,  grateful and happy.. 

Someday,  I'll read back this post telling myself,  "See?  i told you,  everything will be okay".

....and that Someday is about to come, INSHAALLAH. 

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