Saturday, June 19, 2010


Maybe boredom brought me here, I just had a thought of evaluating myself, this 30 facts about me might not be me in the future, but before I will be transformed into somebody (that, if i will be), at least I had something to look back.. "whatever will be will be, the future's not ours to see"

First 30 that came out of my mind..

As of 4:43pm 6/19/2010

1.      I forgive, but words that hurt me, I never forget

      2.       Sensitive, I hated it, but I am  

      3.       Consistent inconsistent (errr)                      

      4.       I always try to please everybody ( I know it wont happen)

      5.       Easily feeling envious, I’m sorry

      6.       Poor in imagining direction, but always find my way

      7.       It takes me hard time to say NO (to a not totally bad offer)

      8.       Serious and boring (I’m trying not to), but I like funny people

      9.       Asking favors to other people, one of my weaknesses

     10.   Obvious when lying (so, I don’t lie—white lies only)

     11.   Great worrier

     12.   Very poor decision maker

     13.   Ironic loner (I cant explain)

     14.   So drop-dead inlove with Kim Nam Gil's character, BIDAM of QSD

     15.   I hate to admit it, insecure.

     16.   Guts and confidence, I’m struggling for it

     17.   Desperate soulmate finder (without concrete action)

     18.   I don’t usually ask, I’ll find the answer myself (I wasted my time and even got lost many times)

     19.   I don’t choose friends, but only few I can feel comfortable with.

     20.   Reacts late, regrets fast

     21.   I easily feel pity to those unfortunate people I see

     22.   I love crying in sad shows and movies, I find relief in crying

     23.   People who have nothing but act superior, it disgusts me.

     24.   I hate corny and shallow TV shows and movies (but I’m corny sometimes)

     25.   Lost little kittens breaks my heart.. (Little and kittens, is that redundancy?)

     26.   Calculator dependent, ordinary vendor calculates simple arithmetic faster than I could (shame!)

     27.   I love writing, mostly when I’m depressed and bored

    28.   Daydreaming and Imagining my self in "other world”

     29.   Recently, I wished I am a cabin crew and not an engineer (impossible)

     30.   Unjust criticism, it annoys me.

There's so much to write but 30 is too much as


  1. ahahaha. It seems we have a lot in common than i'd thought!!! 4, 5, 8, 15, 16, 17(esp), 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.
