Wednesday, June 9, 2010

lack of luck

11:30pm June 8, 2010

 I hope I know where to burst out this irritation I am feeling right now.. When everything going on is against what you want to happen… I want to break something; I want to shout out loud, I want someone to blame.. I’m really trying my patience at this very moment… everything is muddled, busted and wasted.

My job applications, I think they are all rejecting me!

My ring, I pawned it because I can no longer dare ask money for my parents (though they’re sending me tomorrow), I’m broke!

My hair! Yes my hair, I don’t see any difference after allowing that stupid  gay treated my hair with what he called super gloss..  

The damned viruses on my laptop!

My important files were eradicated after having this “reformat thing on my computer”.

And this super slow internet connection… I think it would going to be a lifetime waiting..



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