Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I just finished watching one of my favorite Korean TV series QSD, and as expected, the ending is really tragic..  This is the first series that made me cry for a couple of times, and I guess it also contributes to my mild sickness right now.. Yeah, absurd but true.. It truly plays a strong impact on me I even wanted to curse the writer for creating such… though it was based on the history of Korea.

One of the two major characters, Queen Seon Deok and Bidam died at the end, without clearing oneself. Bidam was deceived by his ambitious followers, they came up with a ploy, and "that" hurt him so much. His trust to the Queen became blurry, he was doublful and soon he was blinded by it. Actually the story portrayed the essence of trust. Though the Queen kept on saying that she trusted Bidam, still, that wasn’t easy for her too since Bidam is the son of the late Lady Mishil—QSD’s rival. And Bidam was aware of that, not to mention he was once a daunting specimen.  

Bidam was slaughtered in front of QSD by his used to be comrades before….He’s last word was QSD’s name. Bidam was the only man who still calls QSD by her ordinary name instead of “Majesty” , since calling her by her name is now prohibited since a Queen has no name. ..

When Bidam’s body touched the ground, QSD collapsed as well.. and not so long, she also passed away.

Well, I can’t detail everything… all I know is, I’m still hurting… (lol)

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