Sunday, February 27, 2011

ang nagagawa ng long bond paper

I wish I have my internet connection at office and my seat is not next to my seniors so I wont be doing this.


I found this piece of paper on my drawer yesterday and I can say those dates and time indicated in there were really one of the dull and boring moments at office… that's when you’re done with your task and just waiting for files or plans to work to.. errr… I wish I could complain for that.. hehe… here’s the content:


5:05 PM 2/8/2010

I am thinking of anything that might divert me from this false headache I feel right now.. I call it false because boredom caused this.. Wish I can go home now.. I feel like throwing up.. this moment is so stressful, (though I’m not doing anything)….



And just another dull moment, I don’t wanna grow old fast, but its so ironic that I wished time would run faster during office hours.. that means six times a week.. so lame!


I am thinking of something to post on my multiply site but I had ran out of thoughts, it seems that I am draining.. Oh I wanna be happy ;)


7:28 2/10/11

 It’s 7:28am and I wished it’s already 5:30pm. Gosh, I’m still really sleepy.. I have a feeling this would going to be a bad day.



Another dull moment, just finished something and I don’t know what’s next.. I’m thinking of  Spaghetti or Pizza at Sbarro this weekend.



Damn! I’m so sleepy. I just wanna get out of here. I want my bed. I want to sleep.



Suddenly I want to go visit Dubai.. why can’t I.. Anyway, I’m so hungry..



2:22-weird time. Anyway, I’m not doing anything right now but making some notes to my self on my Papemelroti notebook.. sana 4 na,, I’m a bit irritated scanning my computer, searching something interesting, not on the net ha, just the files saved here and to the neighboring computers using “my network places”.. maybe I’ll copy movies na lang.


3:22 PM- countdown to 4pm.. just finished copying one movie and the first chapter of Cinderella’s sister on my USB.. I would love to watch movie right now but my seniors are sitting just next to me.. still, its office hours but I’m not doing anything naman.

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