Saturday, February 19, 2011


I'm just forcing my eyes to keep it wide open right now since I am so sleepy already, but on the other side of me, a voice is telling me to write something here.. it's like, just pouring down some negative energy.. haha.. not exactly the right term.

you know, having some rants here had helped me lessen my burdens sometimes.. so here's one.

Just feeling really bad this afternoon, somebody had unintentionally (i hope so) expressed something that had hurt me badly.. I shouldn't be upset, I must not.. but i cant help it.. I'm not mad at the person as well, but the "issue" was so hard for me to accept .. and I was a little humiliated too... i didn't even know how to react, how would I response right at that very moment.. i just found myself cracking a fake laugh... thinking I'll be more shamed if I would overly react on that.. so i kept my mouth shut, hide the tears that almost fell, acted I'm not affected... sorry I'm far from being insensitive. tsk!

Anyway, I know you dont get me, you should not have read this...


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