Monday, August 15, 2011


Cover your ears, close you eyes, shut this page... this is drama. this is something I dont wanna do as well, I tried to distant myself from unhappy thoughts, but it keeps on niggling me.

Why can't I have that hunch as to what am I really suppose to do with my life, to make it productive?? my life seems to be a joke, its like I'm just extemporizing along the way, but I'm not even convinced if I'm trailing the right path.

I've been to this kind of reflection over and over again, i could even throw up for this unending notion, but I just can't make up my mind. damn! i'm such a loser on that matter.. (haha)

Wha'ts been racing in my mind the whole day? I want to quit my job, I wanna go somewhere.  I want a life!

P.S. I'm feeling down today, reasons why will be on my next blog, but I would set it for my contacts only, that would be a bit confidential or should say, more dramatic than this.

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