Tuesday, August 9, 2011


So how did I spend my birthday?

It actually started with a mess. I was about to leave my place earlier than my usual today coz I’m being late for work thrice now for this month, four more and I’ll be warned for a suspension.

But all of sudden, a heavy rain seemed to pour in rage. I waited for a taxi for about 15 minutes, but there were none on hire.. Where were they???! So, I was impatient, I walked a little, got myself on the queue and waited for a jeepney…  no chance still, I was raging to go, so I hopped in to this some sorta stray tricycle…, the black belching vehicles, the rain, it made me feel untidy! Yes I love the rain but not on my way to office… oh my! Why on my birthday???!! haha

Anyway, enough for that, and as expected I was late. But my almost annoyed mood faded when I reached the office, everybody greeted me. My boss kept on teasing me, that I wanted a grand entrance, that I was late for a purpose, if only he knew.. hehe

I’m overwhelmed with maam may’s (my supervisor) surprises, she posted a picture of me with happy b-day greetings on our bulletin and on our department too, she also sent greetings aired on the radio, and gave me a simple gift. Thanks to her!

But unfortunately, I couldn’t do the pakain today for I am observing Ramadhan…. I told them, I will on September.

So, that’s it.. Expecting more???? Hahaha.. , I don’t really celebrate birthdays; I mean not in a grandiose way… our father didn’t tolerate us. Though my siblings and I, celebrated our first birthdays, but we called that kanduli. After that first, we just satisfy ourselves with a simple salo salo at home with my  family during our birthdays. When I was in my secondary years, I used to make libre my few close friends, in college too. If I could remember it right, the last time I had cake on my birthday was my 18th.

And what to celebrate in getting old??? Hahaha… I’m still denial right? But ofcourse, I am grateful I’ve come this way.

Anyway, just done preparing macaroni salad, for myself and for my chosen neighbors.


I’m wishing…..

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