Saturday, July 7, 2012

Cooking Mode

Sometimes I regret why i didn't learn how to cook, especially in times like this.. I'm so much fed up with the choices of food i take almost everyday here.... so I tried to cook my own crab dish today, its my first time to do this... Crab is just one of my fave dish, and its so ironic that I don't know how to cook them..... so I needed to call and text my mom for her assistance, it makes me miss her so much, she's the best... hehe

sa bahay lang kasi ako nakakakain neto!! so, as I've said, aside from not knowing  how to cook it, crabs are so expensive here! hehe

So hows my first ever crab dish???? hmmmmmm... pwede na!! yes, pwede na for someone who had a very meager talent in cooking! nyahahhaha..

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