Monday, July 16, 2012


dear you,

Don’t you dare cry! That jerk doesn’t even deserve those tears! He had hurt you once, and he’s again doing it now… that would be so shame on you if you let him break your heart again! Don’t run after someone who’s not even recognizing your presence, who’s not even aware that his hurting you so bad.. Don’t be his option, he’s a loser… if he comes to you, then let him, just don’t fall, guard your heart, he’s a monster pretending to be an angel!.. he was just using you to cover up his own heartaches, and now that he’s doing fine, he’ll forget about you!.... so don’t let him win over you….

Don’t give a damn to someone who’s not into you! Yes, he’s not into you.. you must open your eyes now! Stop hoping, stop waiting, stop wondering! He doesn’t really like you, he never did!

Asking for proof? Well, he never gave you anything that would make you feel special, he never called you, he only texts and talk to you when he deals with his own broken heart (obviously, panakip butas ka lang!), he never fetch you, he never insisted to walk you home, he always breaks his words, he’s not firm and consistent with what he says, he’s a coward!

And those small sweet things he once did?—those were just part of his fooling around, don’t be so gullible, girl… don’t be so naïve… don’t be so stupid, you have done enough…. Stop expecting, he’s not interested in you, period!

So, what you gonna do now?  Nothing! If you can’t fake it, then don’t be so obvious that you are affected, don’t show the world that you are as if losing someone…. In fact , he’s someone not your loss!

You’re gonna be fine… just wear that smile always, be happy, act happy.

Just like what rules girls say…. LOVE ONLY THOSE WHO LOVE YOU.

Sincerely Yours,


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