Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wicker Park

Whooow!.. that’s all I can say, over and over as I was watching this!.. I never thought I would appreciate this, I copied it in my officemates movie files, not because I heard or I have an idea that this movie is awesome!! I copied it thinking it might “somehow” entertain me on the weekend..


It’s a love story, and there were only few foreign (love stories) film that I found not boring… two thumbs up to this!

Wicker park is actually reminding me of so many local movies or novels, but this one is so effortlessly beautiful!

I’m not narrating the plot here, aside from I’m not good at that, I want you to watch for yourself. If you are a stalker (count on me there.. joke!) or being stalked, then surely you can relate on this.. hehe

And I love the songs played here—“the scientist” by cold play and “Beautiful and Stranger” by Aqualung.

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