Wednesday, February 25, 2015

25 Feb 15

Woke up 4:03 am... I thought I could sleep back.. I had not. I'm having a good night sleep recently.. but today, what's the 4:03am about?? Then I realized, I'm thinking a lot nanaman.. grrrr..  I need to do something that would calm my bothered senses...:)

And as early as this, someone is just so disappointing.. hehe.. how can I stop hating you. Haha..

..this person is so unpredictable! Am I following him already?? Ahaha.. sometimes.. he's a big "turn off" too I wanted to unfriend him or unfollow him.. but sometime, there is "something" about him.

And because I couldn't sleep back.. its killing the time.. sorry for this. Haha

I think ill go to work early


Working on the productivity rates of our project, its making my eyes hurt as well as my heart.. haha!.. this should be anticipated  at the early stage of the construction.... But I didn't know that before, no one told me.. Now, how can i get the actual rates when we're almost completed.. errrr.. they should have told me before... mag mamagic nanaman ba ako??

Stealing pics of my officemates.. hehe.. busy working on report for the meeting tomorrow.

Home. Errr...the traffic jam bugged me! I had a long walk too because the first Jeepney I rode in got his tire busted... Now, I'm hungry. I didn't eat at Glorietta because I'm still stuffed when I left the office... now I'm hungry and I lost my energy too.

"A real woman avoids drama, she knows her time is precious and she's not wasting it on unimportant things".  This is such a nice quote, and its like telling me to stop blogging too.. because I'm such a drama queen here sometimes.... but I can't stop! Not now.. maybe tomorrow? Haha...  for me pouring my drama here is much better than ranting and growling somewhere...  anyway, its just between the two of us, right my dear blogger??   And for me,  doing what I want to do is not a waste of time....


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