Monday, April 27, 2015


This Monday morning sickness is breaking my heart so bad. I hope its going to be a great day. So Help me God.

Thank God for this day, it wasn't really great but I was fine, survived it.  Been really busy..., piled tasks  could almost break my head thinking which should commence first... but I tried to handle it well. Also, attended our basketball tournament opening where I didn't wanna go... But I ended up being there... I love to watch my friends and officemates play the game, just too tired and not in the mood to watch... so even before the game started, I went home.

Anyway, I hope tomorrow will be okay. Will be having a medical check up... I hope I've got no complication.. coz, honestly, I feel like something in my system is not well... or  I hope I'm just paranoid..  i hate  clinics, I hate needles,  much more the hospital... but this shall be done.

Good night.

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