Sunday, June 7, 2015

7th of June

I'm not sure if you wanna hear anything from me today or see how I annoyingly looked like..  but I'm still gonna post my selfie anyway.. I know you're sick of it but I don't really mind... hehe

Today, I woke up noticing my hair's color..  I had a natural black hair , then I had it with color last year, then months after I had it darker again... but the color or the highlights I had put  on is now surfacing again.. so what?? Wala lang. May masabi lang. Haha

Today, I've done nothing but music tripping, grocery, foot spa, pedicure, the typical laundry thing, yung mga ganon..

Now watching Jurassic Park at GMA... also, watching the moon thru the window.

Then it's really late now.. I must be sleeping. So, here's my Good night... I wish to post a nice blog one of these days, something that's not so personal, not so.dramatic.. not sooo me.. Good night again!

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