Sunday, May 7, 2017

Hof Gorei Samal Island

I dont wanna lose my passion in writing but I think I'm losing it or maybe because I'm not feeling anything at the moment, like when I feel sad or heart broken (lol), or when rage tries to outsmart me , when I'm feeling guilty, when I couldn't voice out something--that's when I could write a lot... but now, I'm static.. 

But since I went to Beijing last week, I feel that urge I have to write it... 

But before I blog about it... maybe I need to write about my recent travel before the Beijing, I would be guilty if I won't let my blogger had the record of it..

This was more than three months overdue.. haha! Last January 28, my friend and I went to one of the resorts in Samal Island... It's in Hof Gorei resort, I booked it via or Agoda? I'n sorry, I've forgotten as well..

What can I say about the resort? Hmmm.. if you're a party goer then don't go here but if you're into solitude and privacy, then I recommend this... and I think my friend is kinda disappointed because she's such a party person.. whom I'm not... haha.. coz I hate crowd...

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