Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Team Building ? I hate it

Team buildings are supposed to be something someone gets excited right? We'll in my case I'm not.... if only I have the choice or an excuse why I can't join, then I wont go! :(.. but got no choice  but to go... errrr..

Yes, tomorrow til friday will be our team building and I don't know why I had this feeling that I won't be having fun.. I'm sorry for being such an introvert...

But I'm gonna face them. so for now, I'm gonna sleep. Good night.

4:30pm 5.19.17
Finally, it's done and I'm home.. Since yesterday, till a while ago, I had these moments I wished I wasn't there...

At the start of the activity, it was dissapointing for them (yes not for me) besause there were some who didn't come... but I didn't really mind because I don't wanna go as well..

But ofcourse, despite how much I don't want to participate, I still manage to not tolerate this attitude and now I can say that I'm not regretting my attendance no matter how much I hated being there.

We had activities where we need to give our insights and since I don't wanna talk much, I always end up regretting for missing some points and wonders wether I've said things clearly or if it is with sense. There were things I've said I wish I hadn't.. like I could tell myself, "oh what was that?, so nonsense, ridiculous"".. but I couldn't take it back
I admit, maybe I'm quiet good at writing my thoughts but I'm bad at public speaking where I couldn't express things well... Now surely, they wont find me smart.. maybe they would judge me by the way I speak my mind, evaluate me based only on my answers on that activity... and that makes me feel a little terrible about myself (or I'm just exaggerating things).. But it's okay, making them see me doing great is not my job... it's okay, I don't need to be perfect...

There we're also times that I got annoyed because someone made me feel that I am not cooperating everytime we go swimming.. I have my reasons that I don't think they would understand, I don't know how to swim! we go island hopping and stopped at spots where we could go swimming, in the deep!! would they save me if I drown?! and I have my period.. I don't feel comfortable swimming while my period is on its peak.

But to be fair, I need to write about the learnings why participating in a team building is signifacant to our working relationship..

  1. To know more about the people you work with, in that way you'll know the appropriate action to deal with them.
  2. Winning on activities would make you appreciate the actions you've done inorder to win... and when you lose, it isn't failing at all but it's a way to realize things that would help improve the team work.
  3. Team building activities remind us about Patience/trust/coordination/cooperation/ communication/ hardwork... are keys to successful team work
  4. and lastly- a challenge! a challenge for someone who hates team building activities..  I may not looked amazing or cooperative to them, or  can't even prove them that I am actually amazing.. (lol) but what matter is I know myself well.. and just you is enough, yes you, who believes that I am amazing.. hahaha.. (what?!, disagree?) haha

 Island hopping at Samal Island

That's it... I still hate team buildings... But I'll tolerate it coz it's something I need.

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