Friday, March 20, 2020

Reading back Old Blogs

I was kinda bored so I read back my old posts here in blogger and I'm feeling awkward with some articles I wrote. How in the world I came up with such thoughts? Did I really feel that then?  haha..  For a brief moment, I wanted to delete them coz I couldn't believe myself, I could "ew" myself for writing such.. hahaha... But maybe I shouldn't, I should keep them... I must not regret about it, coz for sure  that's really how I need to cope up or express my feelings right at that moment...

Though some thoughts still means to me, I still feel the same way, I just learned how to deal with it..

There are some post that could still make me smile. 

This is my diary anyway, I still want to write but I'm kinda losing my senses .. What?


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