Friday, April 10, 2020


In this time of crisis where mostly everyone is observing the lockdown in their respective homes, social media is very much active.  I can see variety of posts--some are just purely for Good vibes,  Challenges,  mind games,  random throwback photos,  and ofcourse some rants and complaints-- to their neighborhood,  to other people not their "class", to the government.. This Covid19 crisis really brings out the best and worst of people. I could hardly agree and disagree to some statements.  Maybe because indeed it's true we have different status in life so we see things differently.  

My heart goes to the poor who have nothing to eat at the moment (well I don't even know , or  shall I say I don't even care which Class I am) .. I couldn't even do anything about them,  I'm not super rich or something to give them  a lending hand. It annoys me too seeing sea of people on the streets during this community quarantine,  but who am I to question that?  I don't know their reasons,  surely they have, why would they risk their life for nothing? ..  O well,  except for those who were purely just hard headed. 

On the other hand,  I see the rants of these middle class people who boast so much of their paid taxes..  Some are even feeling jealous of the "poorest of the poor" because the government prioritized them.. Sigh.  I know the Poor shouldn't blame you if there are still food stored in your refrigerators!!  Are they blaming you??  I agree maybe they had flaws in life not to work HARD on days before this pandemic occured..  Maybe there were reasons too..  Well, except to those who are born naturally lazy and incompetent.  :(  

I'm paying my taxes too but it doesn't matter if it goes to the poor at this trying time,  if that's the only way I can help,  why not? I just hope the LGU are implementing their righteous function at the moment. That,  I can only hope. In some areas,  they're doing a good job. 

O people of the Philippines ,   we all need to understand one another and not throw hates to those in a state of stability. Not only this Virus will kill us,  our attitude,  envy/ jealousy will do. And if you are on that situation where everything is going well except you are pestered with the poor people,  just shut up and be grateful you're not on their position. 

I have so much of MAYBE's here coz I'm not all knowing, I have no idea what everyone is going through... (maybe I should shut up too haha). 

Meanwhile,   my only contribution is to stay home,  well,  I am,  alone in my boarding house room-- contented with my instant meals.  :)  On my regular days,  I'm supposed to be at real Home and playing with my nieces and nephews where no room for boredom..  But I'm not, and I'm totally fine (I must be) .. I'm having my best ME-Time ever..   Haha..  Lets make use of it,  this might not happen again on this generation.  Haha

Anyway I had a long introduction..  I never thought I could write that bit lengthy... Hehe..   What I actually just intend to do is to post this picture I captured a while ago.  I was hanging some clothes outside, an alibi to atleast feel the sunshine.  I don't know anyone in other rooms (coz I'm soo unfriendly haha)..  I don't want to look like crazy standing on the open doing nothing. 

This is beautiful..  Appreciating small things right?  But I dont think this is "small" because the sky is too wide.  Alhamdulillah.  I have not much at the moment, missing home terribly too..  But when I saw this,  I found it enough reason to be grateful. 

Beautiful friday everyone!  I'm just in the mood to be positive today.  Lets pray,  this Pandemic be over soon... InshaAllah. 

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