Thursday, December 31, 2009

VM said that

"you really would not like the feling of having several seconds of silence and freeze ryt after waking up. its like bein afraid of sumthng u wudnt like to come. u come to think, ur mind wanders, ul have second thoughts,... and most importantly u become angry of the circumstance of having to work abroad and away frm wer ...u love to stay! CAN SOMEBODY GIVE ME THE POWER TO FREEZE TIME!?"

VM, my friend in facebook and a college batch mate posted this on Facebook, I want to tell him why work abroad when he feels that way??? but since we're not that close, i did not say anything on his page..
Actually his line makes me feel confuse now, beacuse I am thinking of exploring, and might work in far away place too... (lol?)

1 comment:

  1. maybe kailangan lang talaga. he doesn't want to but he has to. =)
