Friday, December 31, 2010


...just had a date with my good old friends.. such reunion is a wonderful  thing.

But I feel sick now, bad, I have a flight to catch tomorrow... errr..back to manila.. wish me safe trip!



1. Good health for my family

2. Full grown personality and confidence

3. Salary increase... hehe

4. Job opportunity abroad

5. Soulmate???! nyahaha

Ive got only five major wishes, baka pag dinamihan ko dipa matupad. hehehe

I'll update this 1 year after....;)


keyboard of our PC here at home is a little misbehaving and it contributes to my mood in realizing my whatevers here in my multiply site. So, il just make the list of my resolution  this year brief and straight to the point.

1. Improve my verbal communication skills,

2. More confidence

3. Minimize being "kuripot"

4. See the brighter side of the world

5. Get matured

6. Mingle

7. Get stronger and courageous/ take risks

8. Strengthen spiritual life

9. More patient

10.Must not care and get affected with what mean people say


So I guess I need to make the best out of it not only because tomorrow is another year to face but also leaving the house again. Back to work again!

So this familiar feeling embracing me again, a bit of sadness. you know how I hate being far away from home.

But I need to do this!

I'll pray for my wishlist be granted.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011

2 days left and farewell 2010, it’s a wonderful year for me indeed. A not so wasted one. So much happenings and it made me progressive somehow. It was the year I had my venture in Manila, been part of two different companies.


I realized how I tried my best not to tolerate my idleness, my being introvert (I admit). I can still remember the very moment our plane landed at NAIA airport last January and I was alone that time, as I waited for my luggage, I was kinda confused and a little despaired like I was lost, and asked my self “what am I doing here?” as if I don’t know why I was stepping on Terminal 2. It’s not so sudden but not well planned as well. Mind you, working in Manila was never an option to me before but poof! I found my self working there!


Well anyway, for that case, no room for regrets, though leaving home always breaks my heart.. I am now glad that I had this experience...It's making me independent and molding my confidence little by little. Now I won’t blame myself someday for not trying anything… I’ll expect less “what ifs” someday right?…


Now I look forward for another fruitful year ahead. I hope and pray that my wishlists will be granted and of course I'll do my part.. Happy new year everyone!


Still remember BIDAM of Queen Seon Deok? The one I was so deadly hooked to.. haha... just watched the short videos I posted here (those I got from YouTube) and it made my eyes teary again for the countless times na, obviously I'm still captivated and not moving on.. hehe..

So, I'm still inlove with the character of Bidam, he made me realized what I am missing for being loveless.. whew.. I thought I dont really care if my stupid knight in shining armor wont come. I hate you Bidam coz you are still disturbing my seems to be anesthetized emotion (towards love ew)..


Tuesday, December 28, 2010


It’s been a year since I’ve been away from home, it’s actually the longest time.And now I'm back for a short vacation. It’s always a typical feeling of wondering what’s been changed in times like that.


So what’s new?


Nothing so major, just these:


The first level of our house were divided in two for my brother who just recently got married, he occupied the two bedrooms, the extended living room, laundry and the other restroom.


The two new huge jars added to my mom’s collection.


The ever messed up library/computer room got new furniture; actually it’s not new, our eldest brother had it transferred there after their separation with his wife.


Our favorite tambayan room, my parents’, no longer cool since the air-conditioned had resigned.


No more variety tv shows, so bad, cable line in our area got disconnected..


Plants outside are taller.


My room with my sister is rearranged.


Good thing internet connection in our home had stepped up the speed.


Our old and ruined ceiling is finally replaced with something new after 20 years.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Such a tiring day.. I feel so sleepy, hindi pa ako nakakarecover  sa puyat kagabi after our some sort of a party party…(graduation ng aming project management seminar)… add to that is our practice for our presentation in our year end party..

At ang nakakastress sa lahat, I’m expecting for my favorite dish—crabs!! That is supposed to be brought by my brother way from home.. Unfortunately, naiwan lang naman sya ng eroplano, he arrived at airport so late!!!! Errr….

Just received a text from my mom, that they are currently eating the crabs that is supposed to be mine.. tsk!