Tuesday, December 28, 2010


It’s been a year since I’ve been away from home, it’s actually the longest time.And now I'm back for a short vacation. It’s always a typical feeling of wondering what’s been changed in times like that.


So what’s new?


Nothing so major, just these:


The first level of our house were divided in two for my brother who just recently got married, he occupied the two bedrooms, the extended living room, laundry and the other restroom.


The two new huge jars added to my mom’s collection.


The ever messed up library/computer room got new furniture; actually it’s not new, our eldest brother had it transferred there after their separation with his wife.


Our favorite tambayan room, my parents’, no longer cool since the air-conditioned had resigned.


No more variety tv shows, so bad, cable line in our area got disconnected..


Plants outside are taller.


My room with my sister is rearranged.


Good thing internet connection in our home had stepped up the speed.


Our old and ruined ceiling is finally replaced with something new after 20 years.

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